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Documenting, classifying and analysing archaeological artefacts is labour-intensive, which limits our understanding of these objects. Digitisation campaigns remain complex, time-consuming, and costly, leaving millions of artefacts inaccessible. The AUTOMATA (AUTOMated enriched digitization of Archaeological liThics and cerAmics) project will transform this process by enabling low-cost and time-efficient digitisation. Using AI-augmented robotics and sensors, AUTOMATA will create 3D models enriched with archaeometric data, providing a practical and cost-effective solution for digitisation.

This technology will democratise access to digitisation, benefiting museums and smaller institutions, aid preservation methods and restorers’ work, and foster inclusive knowledge-sharing via a dedicated crowdsourcing platform. The data collected by AUTOMATA will be integrated into the ECCCH (European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage) Cloud to facilitate data sharing and innovative usage strategies.

The HSDS is participating in this project as part of its management by the Archaeology Data Service (ADS).

The ADS is involved in multiple work packages within the project, leading work on Data Management and Curation (WP10).

In addition to the ADS, the project combines expertise from the University of Pisa, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP), Archaeological Museum Zagreb, QBRobotics srl, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Miningful srls, King’s College of London, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, University of Barcelona and Culture Lab.

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