Deposit data

Data Deposit Requirements
All research data arising from the non-private use of the Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science (RICHeS) equipment and facilities must be deposited in a trusted digital repository and made available for reuse.
The HSDS is the default repository for RICHeS funded data and there will normally be no charge for deposit for standard deposits. For some specialist data types, researchers may use established secure disciplinary alternatives, however, this must be approved in advance via a Data Management Plan (DMP) submitted by the researcher as part of their application to use RICHeS facilities. The RICHeS HQ and programme board are working with the HSDS to provide guidance on suitable secure repositories. When using alternative repositories, it is still a requirement that a metadata catalogue record is supplied to the HSDS, containing information about the place of deposit.
Researchers (and/or facilities according to their agreements with users) retain copyright and intellectual property rights (IPR) for all research data deposited with the HSDS. Researchers will be required to sign a deposit licence that gives the HSDS non-exclusive rights to take whatever steps are needed to ensure preservation of the datasets and make them available for reuse. This will be under an appropriate open licence. The default HSDS data licence is a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 but alternatives, including CC-0, CC-BY-NC, and OGL (Open Government Licence) are available on request.
Research data must normally be deposited within three months of completion of the research. However, to allow researchers to publish their findings, the release of datasets may be embargoed for a set period, as agreed via the DMP.
Commercial and Private Usage
Commercial and private usage of RICHeS equipment and facilities is permissible but facilities are encouraged to ensure that such data is also offered to the HSDS, unless it is commercially sensitive. In these cases there will be a deposit charge to cover long term storage and preservation, which should be agreed with the HSDS Collections Development Manager ( in advance, and passed onto the funder.
UKRI Funded Grants
It is expected that data arising from Heritage Science or Conservation Research funded via UKRI research grants will also be deposited with the HSDS. In these case deposits are likely to be subject to a deposit charge, which may be included within AHRC research grant proposal budgets as an eligible cost (for other research councils, please see the individual funding guidance). For these projects, applicants are asked to contact the HSDS Collections Development Manager ( at least one month before submitting their proposal to discuss costs.
Specific guidance for depositing data with the HSDS will be provided in due course. In the meantime, depositors are asked to follow the guidance and deposit protocols provided by the Archaeology Data Service.