The organisation

The Heritage Science Data Service provides core digital research services as part of the RICHeS programme, to unlock potential for innovation in heritage science and conservation research and its capacity to advance understanding, preservation, and management of UK heritage.

Heritage science and conservation research has significant digital infrastructure requirements. These fields employ a broad range of technologies including: digital imaging (3D laser scanning, X-ray, infrared, XRF scanning etc), remote sensing (LiDAR, geophysics), 3D modelling, dating (dendrochronology, C14) and many others. Many of these complementary methods are used in tandem, generating numerous datasets at large scales that require active data management to ensure long-term preservation and re-use. These datasets are primary resources, generally born-digital, which cannot be reacquired. It is therefore essential they are managed and curated according to the FAIR data principles.

Over the next five years, the HSDS will create:

  • a catalogue of research facilities, reference collections and expertise;
  • an aggregating function, making data collections navigable and searchable;
  • a FAIR repository for research data, encouraging Access and Re-use, and ensuring datasets are preserved into the long term.
  • A suite of Virtual Research Environments and software tools to allow researchers to visualise and analyse data.